A band mostly made up of closeted gays who sometimes value there lives. It consists of.... DRUMMER'S LETS GOOO because that is all people seem to care about :D
Wow look at the drummers there so hot oh and the rest of the marching band
by Sweet sassy molassie December 22, 2021
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1. Either one of the best things you ever done or the biggest regret you did in your life, no in between.

2. Money who, you are probably going to be broke by the end of the season from all the money they ask for .

3. You will gain trust issues especially when your band director tells you one more time and you know damm well it's not one more time it' s a billion more.

4. Its also a cult full of pervs and some bitchy people here and there but also decent people as well.

5. You have a love-hate relationship for it XD.

6. Horrible tan lines.

7. Probably lied to ditch rehearsal at least ones .

8. what happens in the band bus stay in the band bus.

9. Weekend who you have rehearsal.

10. the unending question to consider Marching band a sport or not .
Person 1: what is marching band ?
Person 2 : its heaven and hell at the same time <3 .
by Random Person XD June 11, 2021
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A family of mentally insane teenagers who love each other more than life itself but also hate each other at the same time. Every band has a special unsaid connection with each other that can’t be broken, unless someone drops out of band. Then the band kids will make sure they are miserable for the rest of their lives. The band kids have many inside jokes from bus rides and football games, and it annoys the hell out of non-band kids. Join band, you’ll love it, but be warned, there is no escape.
“I love marching band!”
“I know right! It was so funny on the bus when one of the rookies was talking about how he owns a thong.”
by MoolyTheCow November 11, 2021
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When water tastes gourmet.
by im_nxt_russian January 15, 2022
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An activity that takes up a hell of a lot of time. Sometimes it feels like burning in hell, but it feels pretty incredible when you perform your show really well. By the end of the season, you and your section and basically blood relatives. Also, just for the record, marching band is NOT a sport (even though it’s a lot more difficult than half of them).
by DarkDiction049 March 28, 2023
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a famous band, Roy Band got some known songs like "the thrown chairs" and "my tongue is out".
did you hear roy band new song called "my mom is a history teacher?" its awesome!
by WENDYSTAR123 July 3, 2020
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Band salt is the act of getting pissed off for no reason, or no apparent reason, particularly during a band rehearsal. People may express unnecessary anger during an episode of ‘band salt’. Band salt is usually temporary, lasting from 2 hours to 2-7days in extreme cases. Tiredness is also a common factor of band salt. Irritating people can also cause band salt. Approximately 80% of the time, band salt can be shown from someone, for no reason, then the reason could be found out hours or even days later.

Band salt can be avoided by, avoiding eye contact, avoiding verbally communicating with the band salt affected person, avoid physical contact and isolate from the person with band salt.
Person with band salt: If you don’t shut up I will legit leave

Person 1: Whatever guys, I don’t really care HOAH
by anonymoussssssssssssisisisisss November 2, 2021
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