Use banners in Minecraft as waypoints on your map.
A: You have to use banners so we know where our pigfarm is.
B: Wait, what do you mean?
A: You can use banners on maps you dumb fuck.
B: *brain explodes*
A: Thats gamer rule 2964.
by MinekindHD October 23, 2019
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Use banners in Minecraft as waypoints on your map.
A: You have to use banners so we know where our pigfarm is.
B: Wait, what do you mean?
A: You can use banners on maps you dumb fuck.
B: *brain explodes*
A: Thats gamer rule 2964.
by MinekindHD October 23, 2019
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something that happens to a gamer when a multiple series of events happen in a unfortunate matter

when a gamer finally gets his way in a game that usually ends up torturing the other player
by annonymous 1223 XD April 9, 2016
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Noun; State of sitting down for a quick gaming session, then looking up to find 5-24 hours has passed since you've ate shit or moved.
Dude I was about to go on a date but I got gamer delirium and ended up slappin it at 5 am instead.
by americanaverage March 3, 2014
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Gamer Tics are similar to Tourette's tics in the vocal form. They are similar in the fact that it is in voluntary and short and meaning less. Gamer Tics are when a Gamer types in chat but then trys to close the chat box too fast and ends up typing the movement keys into the chat box instead of moving.
*In game chat*
Gamer 1: "Alright dude I got point B"
Gamer 1: "waewede"
Gamer 2: "What?"
Gamer 1: Sorry just had a Gamer Tics
by ArgonZoran December 3, 2019
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A gamer who for some god damn reason worships old games and consoles and seems to not like improvement in gaming. (Applies to genwunners in pokemon and anyone who wants to look special in world of warcraft)
Person a: yeah all this new console crap is bad, like HD graphics, new ways to design gameplay, multi player without some buggy link cable, all around evolution of anything is bad.
person b: ah classic Amish gamer
by eskimoOFhatred January 8, 2015
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A gamer who bets in lootbox, skins and crypto currency gambling websites.
Hey, I didn't know you were a gamer gambler? What do you gamble with… Skins?

Gamer gambling is far more widespread than people assume. Millions of gamers by lootboxes.
by gamduel September 11, 2019
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