When you chew something you recently posted on snapchat
by #nawed April 28, 2018
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Often used by Kurei as a reaction to a person who states your flaws but has flaws themselves that can be catastrophically used against them. The phrase is most usually used when Kurei is about to violate.

When paired with “boy aint no way boy,” it can create a devastating combo.
Person 1: “Don’t get me started with yo spongebob square shaped fat neck havin head ass”

Kurei: “Aw hecks naw, i know you not talkin”
by Kureitaro September 17, 2021
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A naw-dawg is someone who shakes their head at anything that is slightly unconventional/unique/out of the ordinary, seemingly saying “naw, dawg” as they do it. A normie, basically.

A term I came up with after watching Harry Potter in theaters, and a guy in front of us would constantly shake his head every time the characters did something, kinda ruining the vibe of the movie. I kept imagining him saying “naw, dawg” every time he did it, hence the term.
Movie: “You’re a wizard, Harry.”
Guy: “Naw, dawg.”
Me: “That guy’s a naw-dawg.”
by JayKat7_ September 23, 2021
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when Eric Cartmen ( From South Park) eats a pie pot
kitty meow
Eric Naw kitty it's my pie pot
by mnbjkl January 28, 2021
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the negation of "yaw yeet"
Person: Did you that essay?

Me: Naw neet my dude.
by zoomer345 February 23, 2021
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