Similar to Butt Dial, a Cheek Mute is when you hold your phone up to your face to talk, your cheek pushes the mute button without you realizing it.
I called my friend and kept saying hello, hello and shaking my phone wondering why he wasn’t answering me. I finally looked at the phone and realized I had cheek muted.
by rpcgal January 19, 2022
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To turn off your screen, commonly used as an instruction from trolls.
"You're so bad at the game, just mute your screen."
by TenBaylor June 7, 2022
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Mute in some cases is when someone decides they’re going to dissociate and remove themselves from the world, acting as if they aren’t there. So quiet and distant that they’re “mute”. Sometimes the person also decides not to talk, or go off the radar. Some people use minimal language and words. Others only talk slightly, maybe one conversation a day. But it’s always quiet.
“Ah mate, my friend Sally has gone all mute on me. Blocking me out and being all quiet.”
by Somewhatstrange September 18, 2023
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Mute in some cases is when someone decides they’re going to dissociate and remove themselves from the world, acting as if they aren’t there. So quiet and distant that they’re “mute”. Sometimes the person also decides not to talk, or go off the radar. Some people use minimal language and words. Others only talk slightly, maybe one conversation a day. But it’s always quiet. Trying to appear as if they don’t exist in the current reality.
“Ah mate, my friend Sally has gone all mute on me. Blocking me out and being all quiet.”
by Somewhatstrange September 18, 2023
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Someone who doesn’t talk. This can be do to them not being able to (due to their voice box being damaged), then not knowing how to, or just that they don’t want to speak.
Dude 1: hey, what’s up, I’m new here
Mute: ...
Dude 1: hello?
Dude 2: don’t bother, he’s a mute
by TheFrenchDuck April 19, 2021
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There are several types of mutes:
1. A person who doesn't speak at all on purpose - "Elective Mute"
2. A person who doesn't speak as a result of severe, if not complete deafness - "Deaf Mute"
3. A person who doesn't speak at all in some situations, but is quite social in others - "Selective Mute"
4. A person who is legitimately unable to speak (or has very limited speech) due to a physical or mental health condition (usually brain damage) - This type of mutism does not have a name
by Someone who kinda exists October 17, 2022
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Someone so intoxicated they physically can’t speak
You’re at a strip club with your girlfriend. You ask her a question and she just stares at you as a mute.
by Triplem93 January 18, 2020
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