A tall, skinny battyman that bun nuff spliff and walks through the hills of Jamaica conducting vile acts of bestiality.
Bro! Why did you fuck that dog!? Don’t be like that bredda Mercury.
by OneOfHisVictims November 13, 2019
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A nickname for someone who is extremely toxic, like the chemical mercury.
Don't trust Emma, she's such a mercury.
by Corpse bride August 18, 2022
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It is an addictive substance which when consumed makes you feel "panchi banu urte firu mast gagan mai." NEVER UNREDESTIMATE THE POWER OF MERCURY
I am addicted to Mercurying.
by Sharlock October 12, 2022
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The first planet from our Sun.
It is one of the smallest
It looks like the moon
It has a scorching day and a freezing night
it has water in the craters near the poles
Mercury is a very hot planet, but also a very cold planet.
by meiscoolbutmofromscratch August 18, 2022
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Mercury is a very allegiant, well organized and a very handsome looking man.Many would view this good looking young man as very talented and as self proclaimed leader.He also has a magnetic force so great that it attracts beautiful women but his relationships are not the best at all.his also the man to get the job done when it comes to women.
1. Hey do you know Mercury? He's such an

extraordinary person.

2 Omg I want to be just like Mercury his so breath taking
by Jack lorant November 21, 2021
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Mercury is a very allegiant, well organized and a very handsome looking man.Many would view this good looking young man as very talented and as self proclaimed leader.He also has a magnetic force so great that it attracts beautiful women but his relationships are not the best at all.his also the man to get the job done when it comes to women.
1. Hey do you know Mercury? He's such an

extraordinary person.

2 Omg I want to be just like Mercury his so breath taking
by Jack lorant November 21, 2021
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A Mercury is a non binary, gay, sassy bitch. They like to ‘borrow’ things with his friends and is also very funny and caring for his friends. They look good in rings and know they do. They have a dead name and, like most of us, hates school. They have lots of brothers and sisters and is very tall and uses that to their advantage. They like watching aime, making Tik Toks and fights for what they think is right. They have ‘poofy’ hair, brown eyes and wears the same red hoodie all the time. They like to say ‘bitch’ a lot, but is a really fun friend that all of us love and care for!
Y: “Mercury is the best
X: “Mhm. Yes they are!”
by Unladylike Bitches May 18, 2021
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