you’re so beautiful and worthy of love. don’t let anybody tell you differently. the beauty you withhold is amazing. you’re not ugly, society is.
by you’re wonderful January 6, 2018
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1.(N.) The essence, obvious presence, or eye-scorching appearence that is often accompanied by people who appear to have died in their sleep 20 years ago, but continued to eat until they obtained a state of obesity, regardless of their apparent death.
2.(Adj.) Used to describe something with tendencies as defined above, with the exceptance of the requirement of apparent human ancestors.
Chris: Man, it looks like Mike over there got knifed in the face while eating cinderblocks.
Napoleon: He got ugly, didn't you hear? God, you idiot. *Lightly hits Frank*
Chris: Foo! Yous gotsa keep me informed. Man, I feel sorry for Mike. And I'd never thought I'd say that, but being ugly must be awful.
by Timothantony November 23, 2005
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Young lads/men
x : you really ugly!

y : oh yea, im ugly, ultra gorgeous lovely young lads/men (:
by dinoLINE! August 31, 2010
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Not "as" ugly as UGLY!
He's ugly , just not that UGLY!
That girl is so ugly, she don't favor nothing!
by The real 04 February 18, 2018
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A word used to call a persons personality ugly.
Donald Trump is Ugli.
by Atom73 January 26, 2021
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Being hit by the ugly stick. Could be a fat person who's really ugly and gets no attention from women so he has to resort to desperate measures to even get noticed at all. Will usually wear bright colored clothes or act like a moron to garner attention for himself because he's so ugly he wouldnt get it from his looks. Gets jealous very easily.
Vitale is ugly and desperate.
by ekjrjwehr April 21, 2008
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