A person who defends the 2’nd Amendment and our right to bear arms on Facebook, Twitter and any other commonly accepted social media- yet refuses to be active in real world activities or meaningful efforts to defend Americans from tyranny.
Dude 1: Hey Anthony, you see how Winston posted all those “freedom isn’t free” and “don’t tread on my 2A” pics on his Facebook page?

Dude 2: “Yea Nick, but he never shows up for a rally at the statehouse! Talk about a Social Media Patriot...”
by 2ANJ October 15, 2018
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A Person Who Has Several Short Lived Romantic Relationships That Are Publicized All Over Social Media.
She Be Talking To Everybody , She Is A Social Media Romantic
by CocoPGE January 15, 2017
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Social Media Patronizing: When you see someone in person and they say “I love your content” but they never actually comment on or “like” your posts or other content (depending on how the platform works) because they feel they’re better than, and don’t want the actual association.

That is social media patronizing.
Social Media Patronizing: Hey Mike, haven’t seen you in a while… omg, I LOVE following you on LinkedIn (but you know this person has NEVER engaged with you, not even a “like”).

This is a very condescending response from the person you haven’t seen in a while and claims they love to follow your content.
by Ricardo Rico January 1, 2022
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A person who is addicted to social media and ignores or disregards time tested good old traditions.
Like using a map and compass, reading the newspaper, or doing anything related to the trades.
A. I hate those social media maggots. They use their phone for everything and almost never think for themselves.
B. Okay grandpa / grandma. Have fun with that newspaper. I have followers that want to know what next video I am going to make.

A. Why do you do something that does not make any REAL money or is useful in any way. Stop being a social media maggot already!
B. I am paid in Bitcoin and through Paypal. I help people feel slightly less miserable about themselves when they watch my videos.

A. This new generation does not listen to its elders. They are all socially addicted to their apps and facebooks.
B. Ok boomer. Are you done complaining yet? I have a new online class to take thanks to skillshare.
by Jacob Frost - GLG & SUS December 1, 2019
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When a person is paid, sent with an agenda, or goes on their own volition to sabotage and ruin another person's reputation by doing deliberately intolerable things to force reactions from them to make them look bad. Social hitmen, also Social Media Hitmen, go around "trolling" people to get them to use derogatory language, verbal abuse, physical abuse, or some other form of self defense to defend themselves, and then record or photo these actions to ruin their reputations to people in the media and in their lives.

These "hitmen" are totally and morally dead inside, are deplorable, and have no problems ruining your life and taking every cent you have just for an easy paycheck. They will block you from where you need to go, grope and sexually assault you, call you terrible things on your media pages, and be genuinely intolerable in order to achieve some agenda, get a criminals paycheck, or just do it for their own sick fun. These people, like paparazzi, never stop, never rest, until they get that sweet demon release and ruin your life.

As of now, 2020, there is no legal defense to stop a Social Hitman other than self control.
Guy 1: Did you hear what A Herd did to JD? She ruined his career.
Guy 2: That Social Hitman? She did it for the attention and the money, no question.

Apologist on TV: I am sorry for using the F word in a derogatory manner to that person last week. A Social Media Hitman was harassing me in emails, private messages, and sending me inappropriate sexual pictures of themselves and others, and when I tried to block them and tell them to stop, they kept at it until I went off at them. I am sorry to the people that saw it, and I am not bigoted nor intolerant, just this person posted their screenshot of me telling them off and it was taken out of context. I shouldn't have said it, and I am sorry.

Corporation: There is a person we want to take down on their social media pages and ruin their reputation to make them look bad politically, allowing us to gain more social support. We will give you 10,000 USD to find a way to make this person look like a bigot, a racist, a deviant, or sexually abusive. You can develop a relationship and betray them, or anything to achieve this goal.
Social Media Hitman: Shouldn't be too hard; I can use private servers, networks, and follow and harass them until they react.

Concerned Citizen: What can we do against these social hitmen?
Concerned Citizen 2: Absolutely nothing. you just have to ignore, block, restrict, and hire security to keep them away. There is no known legal defense to stop a Social (Media) Hitman other than self control. Humans 2020
by MCPKG December 28, 2021
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Social Media Super-Colonies is taken from the Argentine Ants in California that have created a colony which spreads hundreds of miles and contains billions of ants hence the Super part of the phrase.

Ants are the most social insects inviting and joining communities within their colonies. The same way that social media works when going viral.

Social Media Super-Colonies refers to inviting people to connect and join online communities which anyone can be part of, however as with any colony they have a defence barrier when it comes to other colonies.
A prime example would be Apple Inc. Apple have created a Social Media Super-Colonies which have the entire world connected. It also has large competitors which they continually put a defensive barrier up and compete to be the best.
by Tiny Ant Marketing September 14, 2013
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