An action that endangers ones southern regions. Usually done on purpose.
Jack: hey john shoot me in the balls with that airsoft gun.
John: dude no way! That’s testicular Darwinism!
by UwU__Slayer July 17, 2021
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A type of marijuana grown in vermont. Has the pot-tential to put you in an imaginative state.
Pass the jar of Darwin Kush..light da damn Darwin Kush already!
by marijuana, pot, weed, ganga September 3, 2015
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A guy at work was telling me about driving his darwin sled 90 miles per hour through the woods.
by cornerradius January 23, 2020
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When naive shoppers find out that the least expensive versions of items they find shopping online through Amazon or unregulated/foreign Internet markets aren't the best quality or for use as intended; often ending in broken merchandise, death, or near death experiences.
Buyer: "I bought some cheap jack stands on the internet for 20 bucks, ten seconds after I lowered my car on them they broke, could've killed me!"

Friend: "Damn, that could have been an example of Amazonian Darwinism right there. Almost Harbor Freight level."
by Lord Hammercy MD March 23, 2023
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When you put your balls in her mouth and then shit on her eyes.
Jenny has pink eye because Darryl gave her the Darwin Plum.
by The big fat shark May 11, 2023
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A male with a 100L by 286W forehead. Who’s Mission in life is to date girls who he does not actually like but because he feels bad and too become a warrior
Damn, he’s such a Darwin.
Big ass forehead
by Ann_onamus April 12, 2018
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Darwin, the most annoying dumb guy you will ever meet. Super annoying and rude, has no respect for other people, he's somehow popular yet no one likes him, usually he doesn't have any talents and creeps on random girls.
by walmartcake April 30, 2020
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