Christine is someone who reads Wattpad throughout class time and when you tell her to get off of Wattpad she gets cranky and glares at you and telling you to shut up.
Christine is always on Wattpad :(
by Birb man October 19, 2020
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A cunt. Specifically, the kind of cunt that makes guys think she's a real catch while you're together, then proceeds to blow the entire neighborhood and reveal her true spiteful cuntyness after you've broken up with her.
My girlfriend was a real Christine this morning. She woke me up by spitting the neighbor's jizz on my face.
I swear if I have to see one more thot on Twitch spread her legs and show me her roast-beef Christine I'm gonna switch to Mixer.
by Cuntsworth December 26, 2019
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the most amazing girl in the world, she has sparkling grey eyes wavy blonde hair, and silky smooth skin. she has a major coffee and family guy addiction and she loves to say slayyyyyy a lot. she is the girl i plan to marry one day and spend the rest of my life with. she also play electric guitar and listen to 80s rock
by rrryaannn December 28, 2022
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christine means when something is bad as if you broke up or something that bothers you with hatred
oh damn we got jellybelly well it isn't that christine at least we didn't get bean boozled that would have been more christine than ever
by IAmASmartyPantsMate December 15, 2019
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Christeenager mutant ninja turtle
Chrissy t
Christine is the uncoolest…
by Kyrie cool January 15, 2022
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A girl who hates Spanish and her Spanish name, Christina. She is the most craziest girl you can ever meet.
She is Christine.
by JHGDFKVH October 6, 2023
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