National give your bf $20 day is on October 11 of every year and you have to give your bf $20 no questions asked
“Hey babe today is national give your bf $20 day
“Ok”(hands $20 no questions asked)
by Hehehehehehheehhe October 10, 2022
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September 25th. Todays the day to kiss this sexy black tall monkey man #Ant
It’s September 25th. Looks like it’s give ant a kiss day
by K3RON September 20, 2022
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The sexual value of one dollar.

Whatever a hooker will do for a one dollar bill.
He walked into a strip club, handed a dancer a one dollar bill, and said "Give me a George."
by bignick43 August 29, 2012
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Not caring about a subject at all and being straight forward about it
A guy is giving half a shit that his brother is going to tell on him
by I give half a shit July 2, 2020
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Origin: used by a woman who dosnt give a nut. Not to be confused with nut or nutsack
1. Not caring about someone or something.

2. Having little to no interest in someone
Humphrey: well your just a basic bitch.
Rubin: your so rude.
Humphrey: I don’t give a nut
by Yeetmeister445 August 4, 2018
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when someones doing karaoke ''Hey give the cats a chance fella''
by Reacher67UK November 11, 2022
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To put forth the necessary effort to ensure the satisfaction of all involved parties in a particular situation.
“This presentation needs to be perfect, or my boss is going to be up my ass crack without a paddle. I’m really going to have to give the monkey what she wants, or I’ll be out of a job faster than you can say ‘Can you lend a coworker a pencil?’”
by Skronx July 5, 2021
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