Misty is one of the greatest girls you’ll ever know, she’s kind, caring and beautiful.

She always makes you smile even when times are tough and she is the ultimate friend, girlfriend or wife.

Misty will cook you food and eat half of it before you can say anything but that’s ok because she’s Misty, she will bring you choccy milk when you’re sad just to cheer you up.

Misty loves cheese so beware, any unprotected cheese will be consumed within moments.
Hey, have you seen Misty?

No, she’s probably eating cheese or helping a homeless person.
by Spyro390 September 23, 2022
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When you cut the fool, and immediately get called out for it and blocked.
Don't make up a string of lies trying to get the girl outta your league, or you'll find yourself getting misty'd.
by Spicyslick February 20, 2023
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It's like a Karen but worse.

The ultimate triangulater of family and friends. They will overtly gaslight and when you point out their lies they will start crying and start saying all the good they do hence "Misty"

A person that will be sweet and caring to your face but then talk very bad behind your back.
This person is the ultimate covert narcissist
She or he is always the hero of every situation for others but simultaneously the victim of their own heroism. They look down on everyone and truly believe they are better than you. They usually come with a simp husband or wife. They might even have 17 dogs and random children they attained through family courts instead of going to therapist or grief counselor they collect dogs and are considered their "emotional support animals" for say miscarriage they had 20 years ago. Everyone has met a Misty at least once in their life.

A misty will complain about a perfume scent and dramatically start getting a migraine and act like they can't breath but doesn't seem to mind the smell of dog urine at all. Mistys are likened to the character ,"Serena "on Handmaid's Tale.
"Hey! did you hear about that Amber Alert?, It was another misty"
"Oh Joe needed help with his car and a misty helped him and now he's being sued because the misty fell while opening the car door. "

"I had misty for a blind date last night and we had to leave because my date started to hyperventilating dramatically because the waitress was wearing rose perfume."
My brothers sister in law is a total misty because she kept making passive aggressive comments about what was served"
by Sunshinecarebear79 October 18, 2023
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people debate over who is better, officer jenny or Nurse joy… it is desired, misty is hot

eden: who is your favourite pokémon character

george:I like misty (she has big tits)
i like misty because she got big tits
by just a pokémon “fan” November 1, 2021
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When someone is very annoying so we devise a plan to shite in a Jonny and put it in her letterbox
I’m bored , anyone fancy doing “ Mistys Misterious Frozen Poo Post “
by Gercoff February 2, 2023
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