The nastiest, most evil, slut on earth.
She tricked him into marriage by getting pregnant and then cheated on him constantly. Never trust a Jessica, pure evil.
by Sicofjessicathelyingslut February 9, 2018
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Is the funniest, craziest person who laughs at nearly everything... even though sometimes people don't know why she's laughing. She has a contagious smile and everyone comes to her for relationship advice, even though she is single as a pringle. She is very kind-hearted and will always go out of her way to do things for other poeple
Oh dear, something has made Jessica laugh again
Jessica is always laughing!
after giving relationship advide: "How are you still single?!"
by FlubberJubber November 21, 2016
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Jessica is an amazing, kind hearted, intelligent, and breathtakingly beautiful girl. She’s been through a lot and has been hurt, broken, and manipulated, so if you meet Jessica, treat her right and make sure to shower her with your unconditional love and support. If you happen to have a relationship with Jessica then hold onto her tight and treat her right.

As for a note to MY Jessica, I love you with all my heart and i’m so glad I met you because I don’t know where i’d be today if I never met you because you make my life worth living and you have no idea how lucky I am to have such an amazing, kind hearted, and beautiful girl in my life who loves me just as much as I love you, you’re a queen and I hope to be able to spoil you and shower you with my love and support in our future and I hope that someday we get married and hopefully have kids and grow old together 🥺 you’re so special to me and no one could ever replace you in my life. Now I know I left you and i’m so so sorry that I did and I regret it, because I love you with all my heart and i’m so lucky that you gave me the chance to fix things with us. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve never loved someone as much as I love you, hell I even started eaten healthier and drinking a lot more water because with you in my life, I have a reason to be healthy. You give me purpose and ya know what, you’re perfect for me, and I every day, I fall deeper and deeper in love with you and you’re amazing personality 🥺💗❤️😘😜
I love you with all my heart and soul Jessica 🥺“ - James
by Darth Malgus June 1, 2020
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the act of sleeping with muliple amount of male species; can also mean saying "i love you" after two weeks of dating.
Why are you being a Jessica ?!
by Eliego February 26, 2008
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The most awe-inspiring person who has walked the earth. She is radiant, beautiful, kind and intelligent. She cares about others before herself – she makes home visits to teachers who have just given birth, takes time from her personal life to care for and babysit for her staff in need, and always has the right words to say in any situation. She is a servant leader. Jessica is a golden girl with the most impressive calves. She is too humble to admit to any of this, but it’s 100% accurate. If you are fortunate enough to serve with a Jessica, know that you are blessed.
Did you hear who the principal of the year is?

It must be a Jessica.
by The Back Office Team May 12, 2020
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The best person you will EVER meet. She is the sweetest soul around. She’s very insecure and never believes that she is pretty. Jessica is muscular, athletic, artistic, smart, beautiful, and honest. She is good with younger kids and very considerate towards others. She is often referred to as the goat. She has pretty blue eyes and usually tan. The best part about her is the fact that she knows how to jam out in the car, no matter what type of mood she’s in. If you ever find a Jessica, don’t let her go.
You see that hottie over there, she must be a Jessica!
by Bernie’s beanies May 4, 2019
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a beautiful girl. she is popular and stylish. she has all the boys under her spell and she is one of the funniest people.
Jessica has all the boys chasing her.
by SCS.LOL March 15, 2018
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