A well rounded person:
A very sexy young woman with blonde wavy hair, a great pair of tits and a huge ass. An Alice is the life and soul of the party and she knows where it's at. She's of utmost perfection and gives amazing sex. Her blow jobs are the best. Not only is an Alice beautiful, she is intelligent. She often has large blue eyes. An Alice is every boy's dream. If he doesn't have one, he wants one.

(This originates from Disney's Alice In Wonderland.)
Damn, I can't believe I let that girl go, she was an Alice.
Dude, did you see that Alice at the party last night.
I can't believe he has an Alice and I don't.
I might dump my Chloe for an Alice.
by roseandjim June 9, 2013
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a young, beautiful, sophisticated woman who is confident in all that she does AND A BULLY TO ALL OF NATURE!
by Tabletop August 1, 2011
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One sexy ass mo fo giantess, with louscious long legs that go all the way to URANUS! Often associated with a water pokemon cause damn, she gonna make you wet!. Only touch if you wanna be dragged down her rabbit hole into wonderland. Often under appreciated for for her whimsical charms.
OMG! Did you see those legs?" "Yerp she's an Alice.
by DarcyG June 6, 2011
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An "Alice" is any person who maintains a appearance of an upstanding, law abiding citizen as they conduct criminal or harmful acts sight unseen. They are quick to point the finger or join in slanderous gossip about others to divert attention elsewhere. Also can be used in reference to someone who appears nice and has a good moral base but inside, is just a rotten individual.
Hey, did you hear about that Catholic Cardinal in Australia? Yeah, I did.. They finally exposed that Alice for what he really was...
by Richard Cranium Sr. August 7, 2017
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A freaking amazing person who likes dwarf hamsters.

The name is rapidly becoming more and more popular (from 2000 onwards. In 2000 it was the 422nd most popular girls name. In 2011 it was 142nd)
Hey look, that's Alice, she likes dwarf hamsters. Coincidentally, that's the name of my new baby cousin, she looks like a bit of a hamster too.
by Shortcut888 May 15, 2012
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She is wise, nice and trustworthy. But it depends on who the person is and the personality. Alice can be a bitch or an angel 😇. There is no true definition. It all depends on what u think of her.
by Alie January 31, 2016
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