Why is there this winged rat over here?
by UDfan1234567890 January 18, 2019
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A mythical NYC subway station that is spoken by conductors that have indiscernible words resulting in the words “wing bing station
The conductor said “Next stop is wing bing station, indiscernible, wing bing zing station
by Crafterhoe699 June 8, 2019
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The ability to get your friends laid while you are currently off the market.
After Matt's wedding his wing game dropped off the map, it seems like every time he sees me talking to girl he brings up how they should meet another guy friend of his. Matt has no wing game.
by cynisterix February 4, 2014
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Chicken wing that, or 'Chicken wing that too' is a mispronunciation of ''She can swing that''. Ended up becoming a way for people with brain rot to either greet each other or tell each other they agree.
by Aldmerian November 7, 2023
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