A Super Hug is a fully voluntary and consensual 20+ second heart to heart hug that has scientifically-proven healing benefits including reducing cortisol, heart rate and blood pressure and boosting immune function and oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine and endorphin production.
After receiving dozens of daily super hugs at Burning Man, I felt higher than I ever had before in my life!
by Sound, the Profound September 26, 2022
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When one experiences a hard on when hugging someone.
Dude, she came in for a hug and I experienced a hug-on.

Bruh, she’s such a hug-on experience.
by Antoan July 29, 2018
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Bacon hugs are the fondest, most adoring hugs you can give someone. Means you love them more than bacon.
Spencer: How’s it going with the new guy, Logan?
Falisha: Ok, I think. But he sent me the bacon and the smiley hug emojis. Weird?
Spencer: What!? He’s way into you. It doesn’t get any better than Bacon Hugs. 🥓 🤗
by The Original Tankboy August 23, 2018
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On august 14 give someone you just met a hug
National hug day
by Rick grymes August 14, 2023
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