n. (past tense) When you manage to hook up with that cute chick behind the counter of the fastest, most delicious chicken restaurant chain in the southeast. It was her pleasure.
“Dude, I just stopped for a chicken sandwich before work, and I ended up getting Chick-fil-laid!”
by Delta_Whiskey May 1, 2019
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what you call the brigade in high school.

For those unaware, the brigade, in some high schools, is an extracurricular activity, kind of like cheerleading in that they do lame routines at games and pep rallys, however the brigade is much larger (50+ girls), making it less exclusive and easier to get into, basically its cheerleading for chicks who didnt quite make that cut, but are still mostly preppy annoying stuck up broads.
Antisocial girl#1: Did you see the get laid brigade perform at the football game?

Antisocial girl#2: Yeah, it was funny as hell when that broad fell down and took the girls next to her down too!
by Sarah Lambert March 7, 2008
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An English phonetic version of "Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau", the national anthem of Wales, written by Swansea poet Nigel Jenkins.
My hen laid a haddock, one hand oiled a flea,
Glad farts and centurions threw dogs in the sea,
I could stew a hare here and brandish Dan's flan,
Don's ruddy bog's blocked up with sand.

(Cytgan - Chorus)

Dad! Dad! Why don't you oil Auntie Glad?
Can whores appear in beer bottle pies,
O butter the hens as they fly!
by Koshevoi July 24, 2010
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To express or question one's self-confidence or excitement.
"Are you ready for the test?"
"And I'm ready to get laid"
"I feel great!"
"Are you ready to get laid?"
by LittleWonder October 26, 2011
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What you say to someone when they are being pissy over trivial things.
Roomate 1: I can't believe you ate my yogurt. Ugh you are so inconsiderate. Grow up!!

Roomate 2: You need to get laid.
by ineedtogetlaid June 22, 2014
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The act of " the walk of shame" but not feeling shameful at all
Guy: see that girl her heels are in her hand and her dress is too tight I bet she's doing the walk of shame

Guys friend : nah bro she's smiling this is her " I got laid parade ":)
by Cutiecrossbones November 23, 2015
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