I have so much homework tonight, ice...
by tiwad August 17, 2015
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An alturnative way to describe something or someone as cool or chill. A compliment.
tommy: did you settle the deal with the cops?

jack: yeah man, consider it on ice.
by ill tmoney July 27, 2006
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A flavor of Charizard style that introduces icecubes. After sufficiently fabreezing your partners asshole and before putting a lit match in your urethra to penetrate the buttox, pop an icecube into the anus. Not only will this cause a pleasurable explosion in their butthole, they will simultaneously be tickled by the exploding shards of ice. The combination of both hot and cold in one hole will be the ultimate finishing move.
We'd been experimenting with Charizard style but it wasn't enough for Charissa, so she told me to pop in an icecube and do Ice Ice Boom. She fucking loved it.
by Jumsa April 12, 2020
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to insult without using words
usually rolling your eyes or looking away
It was so funny. My buddy got iced by a seven-year-old.
by Dancingfool23 November 30, 2003
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yo billy i'm so iced!!!
by mcats22 December 30, 2011
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The act of releasing ones ejaculate onto a females body,usually the face, giving off the appearance that she has been covered with icing, simular to that of a cake.
Person 1: "Did your girl let you bust your load on her?"

Person 2: "Yo, I straight iced that bitch"
by Jaypeezy2323 April 2, 2009
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