Chanel is a girl who is in love with Denzel❤️
Hey do you know Chanel loves Denzel
by Wgejwbsbs December 11, 2019
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Chanel may be really horny, aggressive and she can be a rude ass beach, but once you get to know her... she's really playful, sweet, kind, and witty! Chanel's have an Edgy and Emo side where that they don't notice, so when they're alone or single... they're lonely and frustrated or depressed but they never want to admit it. Chanel's are full of pride and they are really mysterious, you can't just simply understand the ways of the Chanel's. They will feel sad when losing a friend or someone close to them but they will never hesitate to forgive people that ahs done wrong to her. Chanel's are very ambitious always thinking about the future, and they are really resourceful and creative thinkers. Chanel's are very loyal friend, don't make her hate you or NEVER betray her because she has one huge cold side, which get's her really aggressive and murderous, she will not hesitate to ruin your reputation or give you bruises... but deep inside, a Chanel is just a sweet and mysterious girl who always is cautious about people and her surroundings.
Chanel, clever, funny, smart, ambitious, loyal, and witty; but aggresive, combative, murderous, lethal, and critical thinkers/planners.

Chanel, tall, slim, and pretty. :)
by Da_coolest_motherfucka_beich September 13, 2022
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Haley and Chanel will never be drifted apart. They're Best Friends who are crazy, beautiful, and exotic. They love each other until death. <3
Did you see Haley and Chanel today?

Yeah man, they are best friend goals!
by Ninjaturtlesrule May 8, 2016
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The feeling linked with strong opioid abuse.

The numb, warm fuzzy feeling after taking 2 Zapains.
Chanel (brand) being linked to the most effected demographic, which are white middle class parents.
The kids are in bed, is it time to coco?

Let's get a base layer of tea in us before we coco chanel, we will be chanelling out tits off in no time.

Oh babe, I'm so chaneling right now.
by Yepitisisntit September 8, 2021
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The most complicated, difficult spud out there. She is a straight potato. She calls you a bitch for doing nothing. If you are friends with a Chanelle get ready to be called a potato every 30 seconds. She also claims to be able to do an all nighter, do not fall for that shit. Chanelle says she would get her license but we all know that is also full of shit, she also claims to want to get every piercing possible, but this potato probably will bail. She also doesn't make sense and then blames on you for being so difficult.

Sounds about right
Chanelle "I want a nose piercing"
by Chanelle_00 September 29, 2020
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person 1: have you seen that fucking rigged show called “runext”?
person 2: yeah, chanelle moon was my favorite <33
by scuraaaaaaa August 27, 2023
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Chanelle is probably a tall girl.

They like to play sports and she's most definitely likes to read.

She has weird obsessions, some none of her friends have. For example; Taylor Swift.

She has an odd type of taste in girls and boys, most of them are fictional.

They like to stay inside, with their family.

She's the biggest introvert you will ever meet. Not that you will actually meet her, because she will never talk to you first.

Make the first move, sweetheart. She's awesome.

She's not the type to study a lot, but she will cry when she failed a test, break her head over it, and they still won't study.

She's strong. Her mum told her that.

But she really is. She can do anything.

IF she puts her mind to it, that is.
Chanelle is a swiftie.

Chanelle likes that girl a lot.

I wish I was friends with Chanelle.

Is Chanelle bisexual? Maybe, but I think she's just 100% into girls and in denial.
by User82829199282 November 21, 2021
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