a term coined for something snarky, generally in the context of a sporting event.
Man, that ball flight is so low.. atleast it's going to run like a wet brit.
by Jabari 101 November 2, 2020
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A term coined for a snarky action, most commenly used during a sporting event.
Not bad Patrick, you hit that drive off the toe a little bit. It's going to run like a wet brit though.
by Jabari 101 November 2, 2020
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When a non-British person deludes himself/herself and thinks that all British people are nice and sophisticated which is really not true most of the time. There's rude and uncultured people everywhere, no matter what nationality you are.
American: Sometimes the people over here in the U.S. are so rude. I just wonder what it's like living in the U.K. where people are a lot nicer.

British person: Oh Hell no! I'm British and most of us here aren't bloody nice! You must be suffering from a case of sophisticated Brit delusion.
by CelticEagle February 13, 2019
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A generalisation surrounding the assumption that all British people spend most of thier time drinking tea - leaving time for little else in their lives, commonly used as an insult to suggest laziness or lack of care.
A: "why are the the dishes still dirty Paul, I thought it was Johns turn to do the washing up?"
B: "I know Gerard, but John's such a sippin' Brit he probably couldn't be arsed!"
by UrbanDictionaryDoctrine May 29, 2017
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The team of t0bler0ne24 and crazyd1no, together the British duo form a group that annoys anyone that dares cross them!
"Oh no, the Brit Brats are back at it!"
"What did they do this time?"
by WhoAmI? Help November 28, 2020
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An olympic pole vaulter from south africa. He's name is used in vain. Much like "Jesus Christ"
by Gerry Popoj March 22, 2009
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