mean girl who's your best friend at first, and you tell her everything, then goes and becomes friends with your enemy and tells them all your secret
"Shelby ruined my life. she told _______ all of my secrets!"
by whyamiherenotthere November 5, 2014
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The girl who is given it all. She is cute, talented, kind, remembers people's names, and is liked by everyone.
She believes, rather naively, that everyone can get what they want by trying for it, just as she has.

My best friend.
Person 1: She's so cute! And look at the painting in the gallery! So amazing!
Person 2: That's Shelby. Of course she's amazing!
by neg27 December 21, 2011
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A very manipulative person. Shelby is probably bipolar. She will use you and then dump you. She will hate you one month then love you the next than ingnore you for 5. She’ll try to make everyone in your friend group hate you. She likely makes a lot of dumb jokes about her being gay or being sad. She will hate you until you start appearing to be a threat then she will give you a half hearted apology
“I’m so glad that Shelby is moving.” “God Shelby is such a bitch,” “Shelby made me cry today,”
by _EwwitsPhoenix February 10, 2019
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1. A person who is shielded from the world
2. A person who 'seems' emo and looks like they have black hair, but none of these things are true even though many say they are.
3. Someone who wants to have many babies with unnamed mates.
4. The act of getting scared and laughing so hard that you pee yourself.
1. Me: "Shelby, my friend Wanda has a fish taco, but I don't know how to tell her without sounding rude."
Shelby: "A fish taco?"

2. Person 1: "Alcia is emo because she wears skinny jeans and her hair is black."
Person 2: "Paris wears skinny jeans, but doesn't Alcia have brown hair?"


4. Mary got so scared during the movie that she made a Shelby and wet herself all over while laughing.
by Sultry Bitch April 6, 2008
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Shelby is a name for a dumb motherfucker. If you are reading this, and your name is shelby, WHy dont you just go fuck someone named josh. oh btw, you smell like fish. FUCK YOU CUNT!
Shelby can only be used in sentences with the words oh wow you cheated on me again in the sentence. FUCK YOU CUNT!
by coolguy69xxxpornhub April 27, 2016
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1.Shelby is a big bitch, with huge boobs, talks behinds peoples backs and macks everyone in the world.

2.A very beautiful girl, who cries when people like Billy Mays die. Caring sensitive, but can be a real asshole.
1. I cannot believe Shelby, she's such a slut.

2. Shelby cries when weird celebrities die. Such a goon.
by niggahwhattt June 30, 2009
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A girl who would cheat on a guy for no reason at all. A shelby is usually found in the south. They are liars too.
Darian- Damnit, if i would of known she was a shelby then i would of left her ass alone.
Carson- I know!, they need to move up to the north.
by canoxcudi January 2, 2011
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