An absolutely amazing sister, with a slightly crappy sense of humour. Usually good at art, and a nice best friend that will never let you go. Literally.
Wow, she's such a penny lacey
by Commander Erwin Smith July 25, 2017
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A sexual act in which a female (or male ) has sex with four (or more) people in a six hour period ,alcohol is usually involved.
"Dude the party was so lit ,savannah went lacey jumping and i think she set a world record. "
by cap'n crunch February 29, 2016
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A Egregiously drunken bastard, usually characterized by uttering bullshit, lack of balance, and leading the way to oblivion via a "Jack Sparrow Finger".
Mike had 2 much to drink, now he's Lord Lacey!
by Some Pirate August 21, 2008
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"Hey dude ever heard of Lacey._.cos?"
"Yeah dude isnt she the one who wishes anime girls were real?"

by Weebling February 23, 2021
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Lacey Vella is a very loyal person and will always be by your side like she has been next to mine since forever. She has such a wonderful family and they never fail to put a smile on my face! Lacey is very caring clumbsy and just such an amazing person to have. She will never fail to make an effort to FaceTime me or call me and always texts me “are you okay?” Lacey will do anything for her best friends whether she wants to do it or not just to make them happy. Over all lacey is the perfect best friend and you should always keep a Lacey<3 lots of love kayla.
Lacey Vella is a very loyal person and will always be by your side like she has been next to mine since forever. She has such a wonderful family and they never fail to put a smile on my face! Lacey is very caring clumbsy and just such an amazing person to have. She will never fail to make an effort to FaceTime me or call me and always texts me “are you okay?” Lacey will do anything for her best friends whether she wants to do it or not just to make them happy. Over all lacey is the perfect best friend and you should always keep a Lacey<3 lots of love kayla.
by Peeds! November 24, 2021
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Lacey is one of the most caring girls you’ll ever meet if you ever are able to date one or be friends with one hold onto her. All the boys are in love with her but she always chooses the ugliest one. She’s very kindhearted and when she gets into a relationship the boy instantly starts planning the wedding. Laceys are very special and sweet.
Lacey is so hot i wish i looked like her
by OGViKzY October 23, 2020
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