Hana no youni kirei means "you are as beautiful as a flower"
Oneechan, hana no youni kirei. and if you are in familiar with the word Oneechan it means big/older sister.
by Ash Ravenworth March 5, 2016
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A person who can sing the alphabet with their diabetes level. They get titties, boobs, cock, and you name it. They are a hot pig for sloppy toppys. Hamesome , is a shithead, and has the fattest cock.
"Younis, please fuck my butt!!" -Olivia.
"oh, I will...." - Younis.
by Younis_is_FAT March 10, 2022
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He has self-respect and gives respect to all: he focuses on the kind of man he wants to be, and creates a positive internal self-dialogue. Amazingly good guy and empathetic and forgiving. He challenges himself to be a better man: He is raised to believe that he needs to conquer.Smart and loyal guy for a marriage Don’t leave you might regret for this guy for lifetime .
He is being defined as a rare guy so catch him
For life and Enjoy .Younis is amazing
by November 23, 2021
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A sexy looking motherfucka who is most likely to turn any girl on with just a look. He is caring and can turn on moms including dads, he is ripped and has a smile you might only see once in your life. Make sure to get yourself a Younis.
Friends mom: Wow who is that josh?

Josh: That’s Younis
Friends Mom: oh my god he’s so hot!
Josh: ikr dad said the same thing!
by Woopypoopydoopy April 12, 2022
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Track is such a younis, he even looks like one!
by Youvandi October 4, 2022
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