To pretend that you never fucked that person... it never happened, not on record.
"Didn't you have that crazy, sex-filled weekend with Kingsley?"

"Oh no, I am whitelisting that shit. We will never speak of it again."
by GiraffesSeries October 11, 2017
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The state of absolute Liberal banishment which befalls public figures who, in an unfortunate moment of honesty, let slip or proudly proclaim their core racism.
“We need a chick Drummer.”

“That Hillary Jones is pretty bad ass.”

“Dude, she’s completely whitelisted. Have you not seen her career-ending Facebook Post?”
by Hollywood Red June 7, 2020
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people who can physically not enter the ban pool.
whitelisted cheater
by Bammy131232 June 13, 2022
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