1)Something good, cool, great
2)used in variation, someone that does not look good is thrizowed
3)someone who looks good is thoed, but diff. spelling because of the DaZ
Mayn thats thoed.
Thats a thoed ass car
by Tin 'G' September 18, 2003
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good;crunk; way of describing an attractive person
That girl is thoed.
That party was thoed.
by caramel October 25, 2003
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titty hard-on, nippin out;having hard or pointy nipples that can be seen through clothing
by PEEVE November 10, 2002
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A word people keep using to an anoying degree in the YouTube Comment Section when they are disagreeing with someone. Because apparently they’re too lazy to spell the actual word “Though” . Or they just don’t know how to spell at all.
*After watching YouTube video titled “Opposite world” showcasing male cats rejecting femal cat in heat*
Commentor: Lol Opposite world
Dumbass 1: How tho? This happens a lot.

Dumbass 2: I’m guessing youre a feminist?
Smart Person: He’s laughing at the title of the video, how does that make him a feminist?

Dumbass 2: oh ok didnt se the “(Opposite World)” in the title
Dumbass 1: *Chooses to keep quiet out of embarrassment*
by Sweet_Peregrine July 23, 2018
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Pronunciation: Ah-Though?- And-Though.
However, It can also be pronounced with more of a "D" sound I.E. A-Dough?- And Dough.

A rather overused phrase that few can do correctly. However when said to you correctly, you either feel really stupid, or just really want to punch someone in the face.
Guy 1~ Hey can I have some of your (insert name of food or drink here)

Guy 2~ A-THO? and THO.

Guy 1~...you suck...

Guy 2~ A THO.
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slang 4 da word 'though'.
"i want that chocolate!"
"you cant hav it tho"
by carlz and lou June 29, 2004
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I like to watch "Friends" because all those bitches on the show have THO.
by NIGGA_HATER August 10, 2003
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