When two people fist each other at the same time. It is named after the twisting two-arm dance motion from the Men Without Hats video of the same name.
Jennifer and Michael take "give and take" to amazing levels. They do the safety dance every Wednesday and Sunday now.
by 575 October 16, 2009
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Those safety instruction routines that flight attendants give their passengers on every flight, just before the plane takes off.

Named after a song by the same name.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the flight attendants to give the safety dance. Please make sure your tray tables are in their upright position....
by Dennis The Tiger January 6, 2006
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The act of banging a dame to with a condom, snickers wrapper, or any kind of protection.
I banged cindy last night, but we had to horizontal safety dance cause she done got that herp.
by pack-a-punch a pack-a-punch March 30, 2011
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