FUCK THE PO-LICE. Often heard after getting pulled over while in possession.
"License and registration"
"Man, FTP!"
by T-UNiT November 22, 2003
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Means "File Transfer Protocol". It is a way to share files over the net. It's like networking computers, that aren't on your network. You can transfer any shared files, provided you have the proper IP and L/P.
"Do you have an ftp server?"
by Felicia January 31, 2003
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For the Penis. Used a lot by resistance players on the game Ingress to define themselves and their sexual preferences.
Example 1:
Guy 1: Man, I didn't know jojo went that way.
Guy 2: Yeah dude, he's crazy FTP.

Example 2:
New Guy: Hello everyone!
Guy 1: Welcome to the Resistance!
Guy 2: Fuck toads!
New guys: Eewww, I like girls.
Guy 3: We're crazy FTP!
Guy 4: FTP
MarsOG: FTP!
by jojointimdator May 12, 2015
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Yeoooo Fuck the Pope and the IRA

by THE TUTE December 7, 2007
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Face, Tits, Pussy.. The basic "big 3" pics required before a gentleman decides if it is worth having a midnight randyvous with any lady in question that he may have found while browsing the internet on his wankport..

Until this File Transfer Protocol has been completed, risk of disappointment is often too high to make it worth considering making the trip..
Richard always insisted on getting the FTP shots from any lady he was considering meeting, but often he would blow his load immediately he saw them and then decide she was too much of a cheap slut anyway.. So perhaps it was counterproductive in a strangely unexpected way.. Wankers remorse..?
by Drex Johnson October 19, 2014
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Fuck The Police, a term allways used by graffiti writers
Just FTP!
by VAKI5 August 16, 2003
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FTP stands for "Finesse That Poon". This phrase means to work your game at a party, club, etc. in order to make the bed squeak with a girl, typically who is the owner of a magnificent ass.
You see Jake over there? Dude's a complete legend. He ALWAYS knows how to finesse that poon (FTP).
by FTP Master April 9, 2017
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