tazzi es una chica que es un sol en si misma, es amigable, graciosa, hermosa y un amor. con su sonrisa te puede alegrar el día y ama dar el primer paso al socializar
"¿como te volviste amiga de tazzi?"

"pasa que ella me hablaba sobre mis dibujos y escribia en mis cuadernos hasta que nos volvimos amigas"
by chica.burbuja September 15, 2017
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A Very Fat Cat
Wow my cat is so tazzy
by eggboiii October 3, 2020
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The BEST bartender in all of the world. Can get any girl (or guy... long pause) he wants. I think he might know J Lo to. Or maybe just her brother lukey. Tazzy is the sexiest motherfucker (or daddyfucker). PERIOD. Don’t ask questions.
To know Tazzy is a blessing to ya. Xo
by Lukexlopez November 23, 2021
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When you play shooter computer games and you tilt your head to see around corners on you monitor.
He couldn't see his target, so he does a tazzie lean to try and get a better look.
by NedkellyHD May 2, 2020
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