Has a fat girlfriend and uses her for her money and personal gym
Omg did you see tavin's girl, she fat asf
by ronuck May 31, 2023
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She is a Greek God
She is beautiful and nice to people she is a pengting,all the boys love her .Also she is very popular in her school;
Also she is a smart girl when she is older she will look fine as hell,everyone is jealous and she is the fastest runner ever ,everyday her edges are slayed.
by Yafav.chocolatebrownbby December 6, 2017
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An a-hole who has a rainbow coloured cock, from getting blown by his mom to many times.
Dude you know that guy?

Yes i know that guy?

He is such a "TAVIN"

Wow really...
by K-dang June 5, 2007
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A Tavin is someone is a big stupid idiot with a small peepee who likes other men.
Omg, he is such a Tavin.
by umami0 November 22, 2019
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A "Tavin" is someone who doesn't know what certain words mean. These words include, queer or coochie.
Tavin: Omg you think I'm queer?
Tavin's crush: Yeah I think you're really queer!
Tavin: Omg guys she thinks I'm queer!
The Boys: LMAO
by umami0 November 24, 2019
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A gay guy that is stupid and can’t be loved or trusted he only watches porn all day and he is lonely
I would hate to be a Tavin
by Coo dude September 19, 2019
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The old forge kid that has hair like Oliver tree and sometimes makes people laugh. He also plays dying light a lot and many girls find him unattractive.
wow Tavin , you look such like a Tavin Brooks.
by Definitelynottavin August 12, 2019
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