Someone who doesn't wipe their backside properly, thus creating "streaky pants"
Shut your face, streaky pants!
by Evil Heat May 9, 2005
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A rather large and extremely unnatractive poop stain in your white underware.


A dish found in a Bahama Cook Book
My cat is licking off the streaky bacon rasher in the underpants that are laying on the couch.


Wow mom! Thanks for making me the streaky bacon rasher tonight! My favorite!
by Bstrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr September 11, 2008
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aka streaky tan - when fake tan doesn't go very well
i.e it looks fake or orange
look at steves streaky nan, fail
by hammerhead1000 April 11, 2011
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Friend1: You're coming over, right?
Friend2: Yeah, coming all over ur cheeky streakies
by Yellowpissbrownturd January 26, 2020
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