A subgenre of Heavy Metal, mostly underground (I've never heard any on the radio), heavy medievel themes. Things such as Kights Templar, swrods, the Crusades, and war. That sort of stuff. Very fast. Much like death and heavy metal.
There ar many great underground power metal bands, such as Holy Dragons and BattleRoar.
by Naes June 2, 2003
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power metal may be a sub-genre and includes stuff like swords, war, blood, brotherhood, knights..etc
its the exact opposite of being gay, its very inspiring and powerful with power chords and fast solos.
Manowar is one of the best examples of power metal

and i would like to mention for others that Obituary is influenced by manowar, and its not power metal
power metal bands such as Manowar, Iron Maiden, DragonForce..
by ChuckSchuldiner June 14, 2009
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a genre of metal, usually melodic. inspired by 80s metal, has a medievil/fantasy feel to it
uh destoryer of metal i dunno what power metal fans you know, but i have a girlfriend and hate video games so thats not that accurate.
by fuckyou October 4, 2003
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A relatively modern style of Metal, inspired by classic legends like Iron Maiden and Europe.

It is characterised by guitar play that is quite simple (usually power chords) during most of the song, which gets extremely fast and complex during the intro, solo, and outro. Apart from the guitarist, a lot is expected from the vocalist, who has to reach extremely high notes, and have an immense vocal range. The drum beat is usually repetitive, but insanely fast.

Great power metal bands include Manowar, Altaria, Gorgoroth, Dragonforce, and perhaps the best of them all: Sonata Arctica.

Lyrics in these songs often deal with fantasy, war, and the medieval/renaissance age. They have no hidden, deeper message, but with the amazng music they're set to, no one really cares. An exception is Sonata Arctica, who have the running theme of love and loss.
Dragonforce, Sonata Arctica and Manowar are all great power metal bands. it's a shame they don't get the attention they deserve.
by Evgeni February 29, 2012
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the only true heavy metal (some may consider it to be a subgenre, but power metal is what heavy metal would be today if all the crap, a.k.a. death/black/nu etc., was removed from existence) which usually includes medieval/fantasy lyrical themes and very complex musicianship.
King Diamond is power metal. Whomever says otherwise is grossly misinformed and apparently deaf.
by Fallen Angel November 4, 2003
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a subdivision of metal which focuses in melody and precision, often dealing with themes from the Dark ages like fairies, elves and stuff. Looking alike and sounding alike is an unusually common tendency within bands of this genre
Rhapsody and Blind Guardian can duke it out for the second prize while Boanerges calmly takes the first place.
by Paolo April 4, 2004
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true moden day metal, not to be confused as a subgenere

the lyriks are usualy about knights, castels, dragons, swords, or other fancey things
power metal is cheese metal
by hell born March 31, 2006
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