Boastful post that make the poster feel better about themselves, but for whom other can't care less.
"Aren't you sick of Rick's poasts? That guy must have really low self-esteem"
by snoopdoggiedoo April 26, 2010
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A written post, reply, screed etc. that is so blah or weak that one can be ironically accused of poasting. Often on non leftie, high IQ boards where fellow travelers are checked with the insinuation, often in a humorous way.. " Stawp Poasting" or if a complete spaz or woke lib ..."really stop poasting" mean you should give up and probably stop writing altogether.

Has taken on a general writing connotation in regards to twitter, message boards, 4chan. Was big on former site mpcdot .
by Oberst June 9, 2022
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