the best recipe ever....

2 shots each clear tequila, clear rum, gin, and vodka. Mixed with 1 shot of CocaCola and 1 shot of orange juice
Did you club her on teh back of the head or something???

No i just gave her a couple Long Island Iced Teas
by nick February 20, 2005
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When a man places his balls on an ice tray for 30 seconds and then places his ball sac on another persons face and/or mouth. This maneuver can be performed to a willing participant or preferably to someone who is sleeping or passed out.
Yo if this bitch dont get her shit straight im gona have to long island ice tea bag her.
by Ballzinyomouf April 20, 2009
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National Long Island Iced Tea Day is celebrated on June 6th. On this day you must have at least one Long Island Iced Tea to celebrate.
Man I don't remeber what happened on National Long Island Iced Tea Day
by Juan Carlos Valdez July 11, 2008
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Noun: An 'amped' version of the classic Robert Blott drink - made SO strong, that the drinker talks to dead people, anywhere. The buzz is often accompanied by an addiction to french manicures, black leggings, and AquaNet hair spray.

Verb: Approaching strangers at convenience stores and insinuating yourself into their private lives, while TLC cameras are rolling.

long island ice tea, long island medium, french manicures, AquaNet
Employee 1: Madison was so drunk, that she walked up to the manager of the local 7/Eleven and started channeling his first wife, who isn't dead, but soon will be, when he finds out who she got with, last night.
Employee 2: That must have been one TALL 'Long Island Medium Iced Tea'. Theresa Caputo should be lookin over her shoulder.
by Gray Gander November 5, 2013
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