To get absolutly trashed or plastered. Getting drunk to the point of no return.
"That's it boys, we're getting lambasted tonight!!!"
"Look at that dude flopping on the ground. He's totally lambasted!"
by zephead March 10, 2005
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Verb: To lie to, to fool with someone's mind
I'm going to lambast that guy with the wrong directions.
by Toronto416 May 11, 2011
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1)To kick some ass in an English class
2)To utterly destroy everything in your path in an English class.
"This article totally lambasted the reader."
"Yo, you was Lambasted son"
"I really need to lambast someone"
by A a la J May 10, 2006
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Hey man, your haircut looks like a Lambast Hazard! Are you five?
by The king shit May 6, 2013
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