Shortened term of Isabel.
Izi is such a babe, everyone loves her even though she is often ginger. Everyone wants a bit of the Izi at parties, despite her being ridiculously drunk and usually showing her poonanaaa.

Often referred to as 'Injury' or 'Jizzy'
1. Izi: HI GUYS!
Everyone: Izi your a babe.

2. Izi & Emily: Howaya doin?
American Skiiers: Good, thanks, you?
Izi & Emily: We're fanplastic!
by emilaaay. February 1, 2010
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Has a fire middle part
Pulls mad girls
Shortest out of all the homies
Soccer nerd
Damn Izy is such a vibe

I wish I was Izy
by Pravballs May 5, 2021
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A slut bitch who cheats on others.She always lies and dates everyone. Sometimes is down but most of the time a crazy bitch. A girl who sneaks out all the time for kissing boys and cheating on boyfriends
Most of izys are mean
by DJ Falkor May 27, 2015
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It's a gamers language means (Easy) in a different way, like the word (ez)
by XQR July 14, 2018
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Big slut hoe that loves dick usually gets terrible grades and also has a fat bitch friend thst love getting hickeys.
Izie is such a bitch and she is dumb as shit
by Rodrigo_i loved u March 13, 2017
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a poor excuse for a human being, this IZI is a waste of space on our planet. Known better as a dumb ass zyngee, an IZI is unable to perform in any situation. Unable to speak english properly and unable to satisfy a woman (hung like a baby carrot) the IZI tries to be a member of normal society only to realize the sad truth that the IZI sucks and has no place around us Super fantastical beings.
MAN that IZI just threw up in my car while the window was open, thats fucking dumb
by theallpowerfull February 12, 2011
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A misspelled " gg easy " . Used in ironic ways.
Post chat after a hard game

1: gg izi noobs
by Anewnoob November 23, 2015
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