if you add a space in between every letter of a word, people will think it is funny when really it is not.
d o e s u s i n g s p a c e s m a k e m e a u t o m a t i c a l l y f u n n y ?
by WhyAmIHere69420 March 12, 2021
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E-extremist N-nutbag I-in C-charge as seen on Burn Notice a definition given by Sam Axe to Michael Westen on the episode Besieged 8/4/11.
Person A: It's a militia compound. Look! There is the E.N.I.C.
Person B: E. N. I. C.?
Person A: Extremist Nutbag In Charge.
by CostumeJinx August 5, 2011
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e p i c is usually used when something is epic and chill, and most typically used when the user has no idea what to do to the sentence
o no me died-ed”
“e p i c”
“O kool me mom bot me ps4
“e p i c”
e p i c
by zapthebird August 19, 2019
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w h e r e y o u e x p a n d y o u r c o n s c i o u s n e s s t o a h i g h e r s t a t e o f b e i n g .
Me: *A S C E N D S*
Bystander: better feed this man worms instead of children now
by qjns? April 8, 2019
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E P I C C is a cursed way to say epic in a text, you only say it when someone says "Bruh".
by SlovicUnion July 31, 2020
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A frequent user of GaiaOnline. This well-known member who mostly posts in the General Discussion (GD) became prominent when several threads containing pictures of her boobs were posted. She is also known for posting girly .gif files in every post (usually unicorns, sparkles and bunnies) which pisses off a lot of other Gaians. For the most part, she's an okay person. Users tend to either love her or hate for her gigantic and natural boobs. Supposedly her Gaian BFF is Pear Kitten-also known for her nude pictures and videos shown on GaiaOnline.

Despite the fact that she has had fame thrown in her face, C e r e s does not want it, which makes it that much funnier that she is well known now.

Example 1-
Person 1: "Dude did you see that thread about C e r e s?
Person 2: "The one with the boobs? OMFG! *fap fap fap*"

Example 2-
"I can't stand the posts that C e r e s makes in the GD! They take up the whole screen!"
by Robert41689 April 18, 2008
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