don’t trust men’

gyal if you wanna get your heartbroken give another women’s son your heart see how it’ll break into pieces
ayy babe I f*cked Shanice yh but it weren’t that deep cah we used protection I’m sorry

you’re response:DTM FOR LIFE 🕺🏼🎶
by bando_barbietrapz April 24, 2021
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You're DTM...
by The Oik February 20, 2010
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Doing The Most. To just be doing something that's so crazy and outrageous that there is just no point in it!
If someone is doing something insane just for attention or something they are DTM.
by hellofolks9 July 28, 2010
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An acronym for Does That Make Sense, but also the name of a popular website (, which provides customized Online Tutoring & Homework Help to students 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar. DTMS?

Ask an Expert at
by Kestey June 29, 2010
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"Down to match", referring to be able to match with someone else on a blunt of cannabis.

Having $5 and wanting to be high.
E-"yo, are you DTM after school?"
S-"I don't know man i'm riding my horse after school."
by dtmman420 May 15, 2009
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*picks up book sets it in locker* *take book back out of locker* Me: Wow Drew you are DTM!
Drew: Aren't I always?
by MahogzMiller September 30, 2011
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