While two parties are eating out each other's ass, one party farts in the second party's mouth.
He gave me a dirty hippy without any warning!
by lukevw22 December 20, 2010
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a hippie, or a guy with unusually long hair,
Whoa dude, look at that dirty hippie sitting on his blanket!
by Hello-Kassie June 11, 2009
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A young man, Usually a student, studying Music production technology in Northern England
Man! That guy on MSN is a dirty Hippy!

That Dirty Hippy will be the downfall of our glourious english empire, LONG LIVE THE QUEEN !
by Belvadere Smithe III OBE.MBE. January 28, 2003
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A roadie with Genghis Khan't the greatest band in the world.

The lead singer for The Revellers, the UK's only Leveleers tribute band

A peace loving, long haired, beardy bloke from Maidstone
Look there's Del the Dirty Hippy off to another festival
by Del, the Dirty Hippy January 16, 2004
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Mike Callahan and friends also know as liberal douchebags
Mike Callahan is a damn dirty hippy
by James Bond Esq January 24, 2007
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a modern hippie, coming from a middle class family. These are hippie's that have money, but pretend they resist "the system man". Can usually be found in tourist spots in grassy areas, accompanied by bongo drums and good weed. Look for the lack of footwear and socks. They have filthy homes, baggy stinky clothes along with dirty feet.
"This festival wouldn't be complete without those people with the devil sticks, hacky sack, weed and clothing made of hemp. My, their feet must be dirty, as none of them are wearing shoes. We should call them dirty foot hippies
by rrandolf October 16, 2011
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