Slang among physicians, especially those in training. In verb form, it refers to ordering every radiologic and lab test imaginable to diagnose a confounding (or at some institutions, not-so-confounding) illness. In noun form (also known as cheech-bomb), it refers to the panoply of tests itself.

For example the rheumatologic cheech (rheum cheech) may consist of ordering anti-ANA, anti dsDNA, anti-RO, anti-La, anti-histone, anti-scl70, RF, anti-RNP, complement, biopsies of the lungs/kidneys, imaging of the lungs/kidneys/brain.
I admitted a patient suspected of having lupus the other day, and the attending wanted me to order the rheum cheech.
by Mary Elizabeth Garrett January 27, 2008
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Verb. To ruin someone else's property or possessions, usually due to one's own lack of self-awareness. Usually is followed by a detailed account of how it is not the actor's fault.
Yo, ur tames got cheeched when u went offline lmao
by 520bro September 7, 2019
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To take a rip off a juul, vape, cig, or bud.
Ayy bro lemme cheech that juul real quick
by Sbukidgonewild April 7, 2019
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An alcoholic drink made of vodka, tonic water, and a lemon wedge. Tre Cool of Green Day got the recipe of "The Cheech" from, who else, Cheech Marin. Marin didn't have a name for it, so Tre named it himself, hence "The Cheech".
Do we have any vodka to make a Cheech?
by Tami July 21, 2005
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Another name for weed, or to smoke weed. Named from Cheech Marin (from cheech and chong)
Im outta cheech man, got a 20 bag?
You wanna go cheech before school?
by Dooooooooll February 22, 2006
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a really big joint made with at least 9 skins. guaranteed to get you fanjoed.
by stoopidgreg November 4, 2003
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