bizkits are some tore up nasty busted worn out shoes usually found on the bum that ask's you for money every time you pass him and you deny it to him even though you have the money you selfish whore
dang dog look at them bizkits i need a penny to throw at them
by josh johnson November 8, 2005
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A Bizkit bumper is someone who likes the band 1990s/2000s Nu Metal band, Limp Bizkit.
My friend just bought a Limp Bizkit cd, he must be a Bizkit bumper
by idunnoaha May 24, 2021
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A psychological assault on someone (usually a surprise attack) using music, lyrics or other elements drawn from terrible nu-metal band "Limp Bizkit".

This can be done in close proximity, using a stereo or other audio device on an

unsuspecting victim; Remotely by phone, blasting Limp Bizkit music down the line

or even relentlessly sending lyrics via SMS message; or using any other number

of cruel and ever-evolving methods of delivery.
*Phone rings from an anonymous number

- Victim: "Good Afternoon"

- Sound from phone speaker: "I did it all for the nookie
(C'mon) The nookie (C'mon) So you can take that cookie
And stick it up your (yeah!!) Stick it up your (yeah!!)
Stick it up your (yeah!!)"

- Victim: "Hello?? What?? No! I've been Bizkit Bombed! UUNGGHHH!!"
by dr collossus November 23, 2009
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A band, whether they are bad or not is up to the listener.
Guy 1: I sure love Limp Bizkit
Guy 2: I respect your opinion regardless of whether I personally agree with it or not
Guy 1: thats cool I'm glad you're not an asshole
Guy 2: me too
by #gweef October 19, 2015
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A rap metal band which is either extremely loved by its fans, or is extremely hated by metal fans who don't believe rap and metal should blend. The only rule about Limp Bizkit is you either love them oir hate them.
Metal Fan: GODDAMN Faggoty-Fagggot Ass Limp Bizkit!!! I fuckin' hate Fred Durst with his pussy-ass wannabe rapper/singer peresona and their fuckin' turntabels and their gay-ass voices!!!
LB Fan after listening to Slayer/Manowar: GODDAMN Slayer!! How the fuckin' hell can people say that this crap is better than Limp Bizkit!! All that these faggots do is scream and play their guitars hella fast!! This gay-ass shit fuckin' blows!!!
by Truth March 31, 2005
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A rap metal band, characterized by the fact that they named themselves after a male masturbation game.
Fred Durst: hey, lets wank over a biscuit!
Rest of band: sounds fun!
Fred Durst: yay, i get to eat it. from this day onwards we will be known as limp biscuit!
Rest of band: Limp Bizkit!
by adadadadadadhim January 27, 2007
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