The most AMAZING-EST guy ever. He was PERFECT.
He's a funny,adorable,sweet,& he has a little kids voice which is kinda squeaky but its really cute.
:/ <3
"Wow look at Adan. He's PERFECT<3"
by His ex future wife :/ May 26, 2012
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a God-Like male. The most hottest, most amazing man you will ever meet. He's intelligent, out-going, romantic, and very truthful. Will tell you how it is no matter what. Might have a drinking problem so be aware!. He also might consider himself a wild-boy. Has a mind like no other and very hard to catch. So girls if you ever meet an ADANS do your best to keep him near.
Hi, whats your name?

Adans......what is your name?

Omg did you just say ADANS!? wait hold on.. (takes out phone to make a call) girl you do not know who i just met!!!! i met an ADANS!!!
by Aphro2110 February 3, 2010
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better than evryone and is really cute
Omg adan gosh he is so hot and cute said melannie
by popie head fart November 29, 2019
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cool guy that acts stupid around groups of friends but when its just him and you he's really cool, funny guy who thinks he is cool, when his friends think he really is.
he is such an adan
by guard 0809 March 11, 2009
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Is the smallest rice picker you will ever meet. Half Mexican and Half Asian, also part panda.
Look at that guy in the rice fields he is such an Adan
by KeepAmericaGreat July 23, 2020
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gay weird funny loves to make gay jokes
my adan is so gay
by cocksucker599 April 28, 2021
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