To acronymize turn the first letter from each word in a sentance into an acronym.
acronymizing the phrase be right back results in "brb"
by Truedat November 8, 2007
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They are a bunch of words slammed together against their will to form an unholy amalgamation of something that vaguely sounds word-esque.
Hey can you hand me that scuba tank?
Did you know that scuba is an acronym?
So was that.
by SpaghettiChild65 January 7, 2020
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The ability to make acronyms out of something.

Sometimes it is funny, other times it is just annoying
Dude did you catch the Lakers yesterday?

You mean the


(the) Enemy

A good example of bad acronymity.
by Teh Toadmastah November 24, 2009
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An acronym is a combo of letters where each letter stands for something. A lot of the basic ones, such as LOL have different meanings. Here is a 100% real no cap no clickbait list of some common ones.
LOL - Lots Of Laundering
SMH - Shooting My Hamster
FR - Fighting Readers
TBH - Thwacking Bunnies (and) Hamsters
I don't understand my friend Dave, he uses too much Acronyms!
"LOL cant wait!"
"SMH thats funny"
"FR FR bro"
"TBH tho..."
by zsti February 24, 2023
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The meaning of a word in relation to its acronym.
acronymically speaking...
by Leroy Spurlock September 30, 2005
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