The meaning of "pulling a Wirtual" is hidden in the name itself.

It starts with a "W" and ends with an "L".
The start looked promising, but he is going to pull a Wirtual and lose anyway
by iBaseult May 2, 2022
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Failing at something usually at the end in moments of need
I lost a world record on the last second I'm Pulling a wirtual again!
by Nebul4a August 18, 2021
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After being very good or consistent to fail miserably in the end.
He was first for the whole competetion, but lost in the end.
Thats how you pull a wirtuaL.
by LilGanja1337 January 7, 2022
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it is when you fail a speedrun at the most critical time.
pulled a wirtual
by wirtual August 4, 2022
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When you pop the grass slide a bit too hard and end up doing a wirtual bug
Acer would've gotten world record but he did a wirtual slide at the end
by rackmanigenius123 July 5, 2022
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1.1. Do a dangerous move risking everything to achieve a goal, but failing and disappointing everyone in the place.

1.2. In some cases, if the move was done correctly, you get a massive hype of the public.

P.S. Depending of the situation, one of both meanings can be used.
He did a nice start, and after the first checkpoint he did Pull a Wirtual.
by Jbox30 June 24, 2021
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This sentence rather a great saying and I quote "pull a wirtual" is from a Trackmania Youtuber and Streamer; Wirtual.
Pulling a Wirtual / Pull a Wirtual has 2 means in the community:
The meaning according to the Streamer himself is to clutch a game, rather a run.
But the community loves the over meaning: Pulling a big fat L in the end!
WIRTUAL's WAY: And then, Wirtual pulled a wirtual and got a world record. past of pull a wirtual
OUR WAY: Wirtual pulled a wirtual and lost the great run!
by LetDowntoVoid January 30, 2023
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