A prefix used to emphasize that your question or comment on something or someone is so pertinent that there is already a website created about it.

Most commonly used with the acronym wtf to emphasize your disbelief that something is occuring.

"Dude, that girl is mad skanky. www.betterdoublebagit.com"
by ba2themax April 24, 2006
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A way of sayng "lol" on the internet, popular with Japanese Internet blogs and video channels. the "W" is short for "warau", or laugh, in Japanese. the more ws there are, the more epic the laughter. Capital letters may also increase effects.
User 1: WOW! look at this photo i just took of my puppy.
User 2: It looks like mochi ^___^ wwwwww
by LaSouris December 7, 2010
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Use this as a abbreviation for the phrase WHATS WRONG WITHCHA...Someone is doing something stupid. You hit them with a WWW
by $N4$ General Co da "G" September 23, 2010
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Wicked Witch of the West.
'Nickname' for an evil (female) person, named after the famous Wizard of Oz movie.
the WWW called again, she wants us to come over for Thanksgiving. No way, if you ask me.
by Bill Bigfoot November 16, 2006
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when you get disconnected in the middle of your conversation, and you forget what your conversation was about.. you say 'www' or Where were we..
betsy: dc, www
bob: you were just telling me how you ran over your dog..
by kirssy May 25, 2009
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