jpop singer who grew up in NY
most of her songs are techno/pop/r&b
probably planning on debuting in the US under "Utada"
yay yay yay yay yay yay yay
by moo August 1, 2004
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Has-been in J-Pop, and through her #161 Billboard "debut" (it's actually her 2nd album in America), a never-was in America. Grew up in New York because her father's dream as a producer was to produce a hit Japanese act in America. Looks like he has to keep dreaming.
I'm breezy? WTF?

She failed as "Utada Hikaru" and failed in her "2nd debut" as "Utada". What's daddy gonna do next? Debut her again as "Hikaru"?
by R. Kemp January 25, 2005
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A generally overrated J-pop (R&B) singer, who recently failed to break into United States mainstream pop music. Her lyrics are garbage, her voice is nothing remarkably original, she switches on and off from English and Japanese. She has some catchy songs, but it ends there. She unfortunately has the biggest-selling album in Japan's history. She is known here for singing the 'Kingdom Hearts' song.
Utada sucks, and so does Kingdom Hearts. Her name also sounds like the noise you make before you vomit.
by Chris March 16, 2005
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A very popular, (in japan) j-popper, who didn't quite do good in america, which is a good thing, because the last thing we need are crazed j-pop fans, taking away the foreigness (not a word, I know) of j-pop. Has a head the shape of a bowling ball, can't make up her mind on her image (Cubic U, Hikaru, Utada Hikaru, and her recent America debut)

None the less, I still admire her for her lyrics, her voice, her motivation.
"lookit the funny asian! She's trying to be popular!" -points and laughs-

Me: -throws sticks and blunt objects at them-
by Takashi April 16, 2005
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