A story-driven RPG indie game designed by Toby Fox. It has a large, engaging and emotional storyline. It is famous for it's quality sound track. It uses the pixel art style and executes it perfectly. Unfortunately this game has been ruined by a highly annoying fanbase much similar to "Five Nights at Freddies" and "Minecraft." Also for the masses amounts of hentai revolving around a fat skeleton and a "goatmom." I highly recommend buying it, but avoid the fanbase.
Nathaniel: Hey, I just finished Undertale, very engaging and emotional.
Evan: omg lol u shud tots join fanbase and look at my collection of goatmom porn
Nathaniel: Bye!
by Game of ROBLOX January 9, 2016
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A game that got widely famous and the community became hell. it's a rpg game with a bullet hell grid where you can spare ANYONE.
by LagannSpiral December 7, 2015
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A RPG game,in wich you are a fallen human into the Monsters World.
by asriel99 November 8, 2015
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Meme game made by indie developer Toby Fox. Undertale became such a big hit that Toby's now swimming in cash and laughing at the retards who spent millions in making a game that sold less than his.
by KajurN November 24, 2015
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An adventure RPG made by Toby Fox where if you kill anyone, insult Sans, or insult the soundtrack, the entire fucking fandom will want your head.
Person: "UNdErtALe's sOUnDtrAck SuCKs"

The Entire Fandom: *angry Megalovaina noises*
by TheCrazyCrafter23 October 21, 2019
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A fucking awesome game based off, Earthbound. Realeased 9/15/15. This game has many secrets such as... W.D. Gaster (spr_mysteryman_1, spr_mysteryman_2, spr_mysteryman_3) and the lava guy room (i like to call them "Lava Guys"), Napstablook's house (dont know where its located), and the room that represents Toby Fox, the creater of the game.
"No mom, im playing Undertale! Sans is kicking my butt right now!"
by that_skeleton_guy_sans December 17, 2015
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