When a guy comes all over the face of his girlfriend while she's inebriated, when she wouldn't usually allow it.
Girl: "omg i have no freaking idea what's going on.. this grass is so soft..."
Guy: ejaculates on face
Girl: sputters and frantically wipes of face "omg I'm drowning!"
Guy: puts it away, zips up pants, runs in circles with arms outstretched like a plane yelling "touchdown!"
by Antigoddess73 October 22, 2008
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The act of taking a shit and jacking off with orgasm happening at the same time as the shit hits the toilet.
by Ramsey Nehemiah June 28, 2010
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Expression often used by men when they reach an orgasm during sexual intercourse.
- "Oh yeah baby...."
-"mmmm... aaahhh... You fuck my pussy so good!!!"
-Oh my God oh my God!!! Ohh Yeah! TOUCHDOWN BABY!!!! TOUCHDOWN!!!!"
by ChristianTroy November 14, 2006
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It's when you touch a person with Down Syndrome
I was with this girl last night, I gave her a touchdown
by Dani! ♡ March 6, 2021
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The act of taking a poop, usually in the woods when camping when one digs a hole and "touchdowns" in it.
Camper 1: I'm going to go take a walk in the woods.

Camper 2: Be careful where you step, I just touchdowned over there.
by CanoeLeader December 4, 2008
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it means when you get ready to have sexual relations with a woman or man
by Bridget February 3, 2005
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