This is a humorous way to be thankful for the positives of nature, summer rain, love...
God bless you God, for sending each man a woman!
by I, Wreckerrr January 25, 2021
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what you say when you really don't care about what the other person is saying; i.e. a sarcastic 'oh my god'. Best if used in a whiny annoying tone of voice
Lame Person: dude i have to tell you this story, this tree fell at my school man it was incredible!
Me: (whiny) OH my GOD GODDDD!
by fruitermelon August 17, 2007
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From Mitch Hedberg's comedy bit about the vending machine with an HH button. He presses H twice instead of the HH button and gets the wrong snack.

Generally, an exclamation of extreme frustration.

Specifically, an exclamation of extreme frustration when you made the wrong choice based on insufficient or faulty information, usually said of something trivial like getting the wrong snack out of a vending machine.
"I was gonna get a candy bar; the button I was supposed to push was HH, so I went to the side, I found the H button, I pushed it twice. Fuckin'...potato chips came out man, 'cause they had a HH button, for Christ's sakes! You need to let me know. I'm not familiar with the concept of HH. I did not learn my AA-BB-CC's. God god dammit dammit." - Mitch Hedberg

Ah, man! I ordered the deluxe platter and it turns out it's a fuckin' veggie burger and a soy-based milkshake. God God Dammit Dammit!

She told me over the internet that she was a virgin, and I was all excited, but it turns out she's also really ugly. God God Dammit Dammit!
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god is good god is great god is goo-ood *intense screaming* god is good god is great god is goo-ood *intense screaming*god is good god is great god is goo-ood *intense screaming*god is good god is great god is goo-ood *intense screaming*god is good god is great god is goo-ood *intense screaming*god is good god is great god is goo-ood *intense screaming*god is good god is great god is goo-ood *intense screaming*god is good god is great god is goo-ood *intense screaming*god is good god is great god is goo-ood *intense screaming*god is good god is great god is goo-ood *intense screaming*god is good god is great god is goo-ood *intense screaming*god is good god is great god is goo-ood *intense screaming*
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the meaning of Allahu Akbar or what most muslim terrorist and people in muslim church say
Allahu Akbar!!! *BANG* *SHOT FIRED* or Allahu Akbar ( god is great god is greatest) silently in a church
by Zachtiktik January 25, 2022
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The gods of gods
The gods of gods
by Yer not that boi November 8, 2019
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