you can never be like Yvonne, you're mean.
by Ya IM ME December 20, 2016
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yvonne is a beautiful girl that is worth it and valid trusting isn't easy but its worth the wait and she will run the world.
yvonne is so beautiful
i agree she is worth it
by elizabeththomas1234 December 4, 2019
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A sexy, beautiful, extremely intelligent North-Side Latina that is loving, caring, giving and compassionate.

With an overly aggressive impatient driving attitude that will honk at other driver's on the road, get out of the car, flip you off, shout out profanity and add's a new definition to Road Rage.

When push comes to shove doesn't take crap from no one. Known for knocking out females and on occasion; a dude or two.

If she says she wants it...she goes and gets what she wants...(D.J. Raw Ba$$ 1994)

Makes the best home made enchiladas below HEAVEN. can play bingo like nobody's business, provides housing, meals and clothing for those in need.......and Best Of All -Breathless Between the Sheets!!!
by Raw Bass January 31, 2016
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Latina , Sexy Girl , Great Role Model . Ambicious and Great in bed.
A bad ass motherfucker who who won't take no shit off of nobody.
A Fly, Crazy, Fresh, Princess, Beautiful, Gangster, Diva, Fun, Irritating, Badass, Playertastic, Indescribable; Young lady who always looks her best.

Not many can handle her. But always wanna try.
Someone who is talked about, on a regular basis. She gives no fuckkk.

She knows what she deserves and won't settle for anything less.

Most often misunderstood.

She is bold and is capable of anything. Regardless of her bold nature, she is often secretive, but is always observing behind her withdrawn manner.

She can be argumentative and pack a powerful sting, but that’s simply because she see all opposition as a healthy challenge.
Did you just do an Yvonne??

Caring and secretive Yvonne.

Be bold like Yvonne..

Yvonne gives no fuckkkkkkk..
by FrEaKnEsS4U February 3, 2010
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A badass, ice princess, Scandinavian bitch that will make your life ten times better. I guarantee it. She is the bestest friend ever, and she is one of a kind. If you find her, don't lose her.

She is also beautiful but insecure. She has amazingly long legs that seem to go on for miles, and amazing hips that are shaped just right. Find yourself a Yvonne and hold on tight...
Yvonne is my best friend.
by fangirl11417 March 14, 2018
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Yvonnes are beautiful
by November 26, 2021
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French-ass name
OH YVONNE, That's a French-ass name, YVONNE!
by Lukieee November 29, 2008
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