An act of masterbation in the shower by having one arm tugging and one arm on the wall like Rocky Balboa's one armed press up.
Dude, I had a fantastic Rocky Balboa in the shower last night.
by Chesk September 12, 2009
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You have to eat beans and other gas-causing foods for a period of a week. Concurrently, you do not shower for the same week-long period. Then, you make a girl sit under your ass and proceed to shoot a poop/diahrea mixture all over her face.

For the Rocky Balboa Championship Edition, you need to add corn to your diet during your week of preparation.
That girl thought she was better than me because she is so pretty, so I gave her the Rocky Balboa Championship Edition (R). There were chunks of poo, puddles of diahrea, and corn bits all ova' her grille!
by Jezekiel October 26, 2006
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When one tokes oneself into a stupor much like that of rocky balboa after he endures rigorous rounds of boxing. The condition can be identified by the following symptoms: slurred speech, uncontrolled rolling of the eyes, and stroke-like facial expressions.
Veterans of this occurrence may refer to this phenomenon as "Rocky Balb" and may shout such phrases as "Cut me boss, I cant see!"
"ooohh abura behder pass huuuu bong."
"I wish you wouldnt get rocky balboa high all the time."
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The constant urge to masterbait or "beat your meat" in sub zero temperatures.
I'm really concerned about Ryan's obsession with meat lockers. I think he has Rocky Balboa Syndrome.
by VariableY July 3, 2017
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When you are having sex with a chick and you mouth-fuck her till you spew then punch her in the face afterwards causing her to spit the jizz everywhere, ie, like Rocky Balboa getting punched.
I love my girlfriend, I gave her three rocky balboa thunder punches and she still wanted to eat my dick.
by Poondog69 April 13, 2011
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The act of masturbating for someone else while punching oneself in (and often) inside the vagina.
Hey bro, how did it go with that girl last night?

Bro! I got her to beat it like Rocky Balboa!

Dang bro, that's tight.
by Rocky Broboa December 12, 2011
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The act of punching an annoying person until one's hand breaks, then using said broken hand to rub one out in a celebratory fashion
Man: Had a top night last. Bumped in to that annoying prick Appollo Creed, dashed his brains out that went home to perform Rocky Balboa's Victory Dance with Match of the Day on!
by Heavy D Birmingham July 26, 2013
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