This word reffers to someone who is so skinny like the character Fiddlesticks from League of Legends
Shut up fiddlesticks, the wind blows you away
by FiddlesticksCreater December 13, 2020
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Some word you to use instead of swearing.
Person 1: Hey, sorry, but you can't come over tomorrow, we have to go somewhere important.
Person 2: Aw, fiddlesticks!
Person 1: What did you just say
by marble marble April 6, 2020
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1) A late 60's cover up for and explenative.

2)Someone who is easily played.
"Stokka is such a fiddlestick!"
by OmenDesign May 23, 2005
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A term used to express disagreement or to say that something is nonsense.
Fiddlesticks! Of course I wouldn't let you pay for our dinner!
by dataentryproguy March 12, 2015
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when michael reeves made his swearing robot, he had it say fiddlesticks. a word that only people named chad or richard would use. it's stupid, like me.
*robot bumps into wall*"oh fiddlesticks!"
by Uh oh... STINKY! May 21, 2019
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jessica: ah, nina, i want to fiddlestick you!
nina: no. we’ve been over this.
by constipated milk January 25, 2020
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